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Amryt Pharmaceuticals DAC
45 Mespil Road
Dublin 4

Medicinsk information: Tlf.: 00800 4447 4447, e-mail: medinfo@amrytpharma.com


1. Brown RJ, Araujo-Vilar D, Cheung PT, et al. The diagnosis and management of lipodystrophy syndromes: a multi-society practice guideline. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2016;101:4500–11.

2. Rodriguez AJ, Mastronardi CA, Paz-Filho GJ. New advances in the treatment of generalized lipodystrophy: role of metreleptin. Ther Clin Risk Manag 2015;11:1391–400.

3. Gupta N, Asi N, Farah W, et al. Clinical features and management of non-HIV related lipodystrophy in children: a systematic review. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2017;102:363–74.

4. Mantzoros CS, Magkos F, Brinkoetter M, et al. Leptin in human physiology and pathophysiology. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 2011;301:E567–84.

5. Chan JL, Oral EA. Clinical classification and treatment of congenital and acquired lipodystrophy. Endocr Pract 2010;16:310–23.

6. Amryt Pharmaceuticals DAC. Produktresuméet for Myalepta.